| Scientist Emeritus Publications 2000-2010 Aki, K., and Lee, W. H. K., 2003, Glossary of interest to earthquake and engineering seismologists, in Lee, W. H. K., Kanamori, H., Jennings, P. C., and Kisslinger, C., eds., International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology 286.31 Kb. 5 | read |
| Plate tectonics and physical hazards Correct answers are indicated by an asterisk, both in short answer and multiple choice questions 83.14 Kb. 1 | read |
| True or False questions can be easily prepared from multiple choice questions Correct answers are indicated by an asterisk, both in short answer and multiple choice questions 73.38 Kb. 1 | read |
| Plate tectonics and physical hazards multiple-choice questions What direction is the Pacific Plate currently moving, based on the chain of Hawaiian Islands with only the easternmost island active? 36.11 Kb. 1 | read |
| ‘Shakespeare’s County’: Warwickshire c1550-1750 Bardolatry and the distinctiveness of the County. Thus archaeology ought, at least in theory, to provide some form of factual basis for the development of this perceived County identity 91.64 Kb. 1 | read |
| The history of automobile Today we drive cars that have gps systems, computers and videos. Cars have continued to impact our lives, since the first day they were made, and will continue (Fetherston 1). But when did the first automobile make its appearance? 36.42 Kb. 1 | read |
| UbiRoad: Semantic Middleware for Context-Aware Smart Road Environments The main contribution of the paper includes the requirements and the architecture of complex traffic management systems and shows how such systems may benefit from utilization of semantic and agent technologies 58.12 Kb. 1 | read |
| Mimics the movement of Real Insects Abstract- this paper presents an introduction to the world of swarm robots and adumbrates its applications and how it is applicable in a real life scenario, in what scenarios the robotic swarm can be used 68.4 Kb. 1 | read |
| Instructions of massage steam cabin The producer of massage cabins, Technic Industry Sp z o o grants its customers a 12 month warranty for a cabin and massage systems and provides post-warranty service. A lamp bulb is not covered with a warranty Instructions 101.82 Kb. 1 | read |
| Chapter 4 – existing conditions physical Features & Natural Resources Mantua (see Prehistoric and Historic Features). As stated earlier, the Village is located in the Upper Cuyahoga River watershed, meaning all surface waters flows into the Cuyahoga River. Map 6, Surface Water 26.33 Kb. 1 | read |
| Second meeting of the working group of fsmp Jonasson from the icao secretariat, Montreal and Mr Mike Biggs, the Rapporteur of Working Group fsmp (fsmp-wg). Mr Jonasson acted as the Secretary of the meeting 426.58 Kb. 6 | read |
| Transcript for Phonetics Webinar Slide 1: Hello. This is Mariana DeLuca, lep resource for the esl student Education Department. Welcome to our webinar on Foundations of Linguistics and Language Learning 24.69 Kb. 1 | read |
| Multiple choice in 1401 an important competition was held to determine the design of the Baptistery doors for the Cathedral of Florence. Even at this early date Renaissance traits were evident. Which of the following is one of those traits? Ghiberti’s competitive panel for the Baptistery doors of the Florence Cathedral shows classical references that reflect influences of humanism. Which of the following is a classical reference seen on Ghiberti’s panel? 110.37 Kb. 1 | read |
| Acknowledgements Arid and semi arid lands (asals) water sector institutional analysis in marsabit county, kenya 196.52 Kb. 3 | read |
| - Icsi. There are still many occasions where even this is not possible, or couples may prefer not to use this and donor insemination (DI) provides them with a chance to have their own child 58.35 Kb. 1 | read |